My Digital Photography of the Skies
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Photos are shown in reverse chronological order.
December 7, 2024 Sunset
This was truly a fleeting sunset. I had just enough time to get a glimpse of it out the kitchen window. I hurried outside with the camera, but it had already faded. These photos were taken within only a minute. A few are crops of the larger photo.
October 10, 2024 Northern Lights
Exactly five months later, the same thing happened---a solar storm that made the northern lights visible in lower Michigan. This time, I definitely could see some different colors in the sky. I managed to get some photos that were halfway decent after noise reduction in Photoshop. I left the entire photo, even though the background is not very aesthetically pleasing (chimneys and rooftops) so that all the colors could be seen.
I found out too late that in order to get the best photos, a long exposure on a tripod was necessary. I tried this later on for the photos below, but the best display had already passed.
May 10, 2024 Northern Lights
I've never seen the northern lights before. Tonight was a rare opportunity due to a solar storm where they could be faintly seen here in the Metro-Detroit area. I hardly saw anything and only got one photo.
January 21, 2024 Sunset
September 3, 2023 Sunset
There was a pretty sunset with vibrant pink under the clouds, but it was so fleeting that by the time I got my camera ready, most of it had already faded.
June 15, 2021, Clouds at Schroeter Park
Some interesting wispy cloud puffs seen from the field area.
July 3, 2020 nearly full moon and clouds at Conservancy Farm
December 25, 2019 Sunset at Kensington Metropark
Along the boardwalk was a spectacular sunset on both sides! I had to go back and forth between them.
The first photo was taken from the side of the park road across from the Wildwing Trail. Then I had to go all the way back around to get on the boardwalk to take the rest.
April 7, 2019
Clouds at Kosch Preserve.
January 6, 2019
Clouds at Watkins Lake State Park
Skies near the Hines Maple, August 29, 2014.
Interesting clouds on December 29, 2013, Crosswinds Marsh.
Unusual arc in the sky on April 21, 2013, Brighton State Park
Hail storm on March 14, 2012
Sunset on February 19, 2012
Sunset on January 5, 2012
Hail Storm on August 13, 2011
Backyard Skies with Waxing Gibbous Moon and Beechcraft "Twin Beech" airplane on July 10, 2011 at about 9:00 p.m.
The moon photos turned out fairly well without the use of a tripod. Thanks to Steve Bradley for identifying the plane for me.
Backyard Sunset with Waxing Crescent Moon on July 7, 2011 at 9:20 to 9:24 p.m.
Photos are presented in the order taken. I changed no colors, only brightened a few of the photos. I was surprised how well the moon turned out considering that I wasn't using a tripod. It must be because it wasn't quite dark yet.
Incredible Red Sky on July 2, 2011, 9:24 to 9:30pm
Ok, as if the double rainbow earlier today (posted here) wasn't enough, less than 2 hours later, the sky was bright red! I don't think I've ever seen the sky appear quite this way in my whole life. I did not change the colors on any of these photos. The only adjustments made were to the brightness (some were too dark to make out the clouds). It truly was this red! However, by 9:30, the sky was back to a normal gray dusky evening sky. Photos are shown in the order taken.
Backyard Sunset on May 31, 2011
Backyard Sunset on January 1, 2011
Wow, what a gorgeous sunset to start off the new year, 1-1-11. I love how these came out. With no photoshop adjustments, the photos look just about how the sky actually looked that day. The last four photos were taken about 15 minutes after the others.
Backyard Sunset on December 27, 2010
Backyard Sunset in July, 2010
There is something strange in the first photo---a white spot in the sky. I tried to enlarge it, but it is too grainy to tell what it is. Unusual though.
Backyard Sunset on March 25, 2010
Backyard Sunset on January 15, 2010
As I have come to find, these pinkish clouds do not last long---usually only a few minutes. These photos were taken while I was inside the house looking out the doorwall.
Backyard Sunset on November 13, 2009
This sunset was photographed during the last couple minutes of its existence. I took them while standing inside the house looking out my doorwall into the backyard.
Backyard Sunset on October 13, 2009
This sunset was photographed during the last couple minutes of its existence. I took them while standing inside the house looking out my doorwall into the backyard. I experimented with some different settings. The photos are shown in the order in which they were taken. Also, earlier on this day, I took some photos of a beautiful maple tree in Hines Park.
It reminded me of the background for my Toads of the Short Forest watercolor painting. Click on the picture below to see a larger view and close-ups of certain areas of this watercolor.
Sun and Clouds on September 25, 2009
I took these photos of the sky from inside of my house while standing in the back door-wall area with the screen door open. Some of them were taken at extremely high shutter speeds and very tiny apertures. I have never seen such a rainbow effect appear before in my photos. It looks like a case of thin-film interference, but I'm not sure what would be the thin film. In order to shoot the high-speed photos, I had to squint and line up the camera until the sunlight beamed through the eyepiece. Then I closed my eyes and took the photo. When I was done with the session, I noticed my vision seemed strange. I narrowed it down to the fact that I was seeing colors completely differently with the left eye (the one that was looking in the eyepiece). I think I might have almost experienced something similar to a person with red/green colorblindness. The green objects (as viewed through my left eye) were more of a yellowish-brown. Red objects were reddish-brown. However, objects that were already reddish-brown seemed more reddish and vibrant. Anyhow, it was pretty strange being able to cover one eye and look at things, then cover the other one and see everything a different color. Next time, I would use a tripod so that I wouldn't have to keep lining up the sun as this can't be good for one's eyes.
Pretty Clouds on June 21, 2009
I took these photos of the sky from my backyard.
Chemtrails on June 12, 2009
Some people claim that chemtrails (chemical trails) don't exist, but I think they are just ignorant. People all over the globe are getting sprayed with things by airplanes on a regular basis. Some things are to control insects, others are to control the weather, and others are still unknown to us. All I know is that from what I've researched about them, I do believe it is happening. A true contrail (condensation trail) dissipates very quickly. You should hardly be able to see the path of the plane once it has flown past. I have seen contrails and I have seen chemtrails. I am pretty convinced what I saw today were two chemtrails. One is white, on the left. The other plane was emitting some black substance for a very long way on the right side. Both planes were flying at the same time and releasing these things. I wonder if they are connected and if the chemicals somehow react in the air. In any case, it's pretty scary stuff---just google "chemtrails" if you don't know what I'm talking about. It is something the public needs to know about and try to put an end to (although this has proven to be very difficult in some cities where the city officials are "in on it"). By the way, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I consider myself a scientist and when what I am seeing does not abide by the rules of science, that sets me off to find out what is going on. I really believe there is something important here.
Unusual Cloud
I photographed this strange cloud on January 18, 2008 from my backyard.
Skies in 1986
I scanned these 35mm 3 1/2 X 5 inch prints that I took in 1986.
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