"At the Crossroads"

by Ann Savageau

In 1995, I took an Elements of Design class at the Residential College at the University of Michigan.  My instructor was Ann Savageau.  That fall, she inspired me to create some of the transformations you can see on my Sculpture and Transformations Page.  We have kept in contact through the years, although she moved to California in 2002.  On March 7, 2007, I had the pleasure of seeing her latest exhibit at Washtenaw Community College in Ypsilanti, MI.  She also gave a talk about her work that was really interesting.  I thought I knew a lot about preserving the environment, but I learned many things during her presentation.  I knew that she loved nature, but I hadn't realized that she was so active in its preservation.  The installation below was created to help inform the public "about the toll caused by environmental destruction and global warming, and the resultant decimation of many plant and animal populations."

To see a larger view of each picture, click on its thumbnail.


Invitation and Brochure



My Photography of "At the Crossroads"

The installation has a left and right half.  I arranged the photos below from left to right as one would walk about the exhibit looking at the walls.  At the end, I showed the views of the right half one would see while standing in the left half.  The first two photos are Ann's, showing the empty gallery and entrance to the exhibit.








The pile of fortune cookies contain facts about the environment.  Below is one of Ann's photos of two cookies and their enclosed messages.  I also scanned in my "fortune."



Here is a photo of Ann and me at the reception.



To see more of Ann Savageau's work, check out her website at annsavageau.com

Here are a few more links to her work on the web:

"Freefall" and "Untitled" sculptures from golf clubs and baseball bats

More baseball bat art

"Life Line" exhibition link #1, link #2, and link #3


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