My Halloween Photography

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Halloween 1993 - Present, including costumes and Jack O' Lanterns created by me.

Halloween 2009



Sadly, I haven't had time to do anything creative to celebrate my favorite holiday.  However, my dad decided to dress up as Santa this year, something he used to do often on Halloween, but hasn't done for quite a few years.  I figured I better capture a few pictures of the occasion.  Unfortunately, the settings were a bit off, and I didn't get as good of pictures as I had hoped.


Halloween 2006

This year, I didn't have the time to create a new Jack O' Lantern, but I did make this animation of last year's.



Halloween 2005

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I made another Frank Zappa pumpkin this year.  I even brought it to "Zappaween", an Ugly Radio Rebellion show at Club Bart's in Ferndale, MI on October 30, 2005.  I decided to try the new style of carving again, this time adding even more of a three-dimensional quality by carving deeper.  This one wouldn't keep a candle lit for more than a few minutes because there wasn't enough air circulation---it required a battery-powered light for a continuous display.  It is amazing how many different appearances the same jack-o-lantern can have by photographing it under different conditions.



Halloween 2002

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For Halloween 2002, I didn't dress up, but I did carve a Frank Zappa pumpkin in a totally different style than I've ever done.  Instead of making the cuts all the way through the hollow pumpkin, this carving only removes outer surface of the pumpkin.  When the light shines through, it is actually shining through the pumpkin flesh.  I took three different photos of this pumpkin with different levels of outside light.


Halloween 2001

meonhalloween2001.jpg (59393 bytes)


Halloween 2000

me on halloween 2000.jpg (63815 bytes) 2000jackolanterns.jpg (101775 bytes)
For the Jack O' Lantern photograph above, this time I used an SLR camera and kept manually rewinding the film so that I could get many exposures on one frame.  It is five different images of the same pumpkin.



Halloween 1999



Halloween 1998

  jackolanterns98.jpg (59793 bytes)
Photography of me by Art Salatka.



Halloween 1993

me on halloween 1993.jpg (68323 bytes)


Halloween Younger Years

All of the great costumes you see here were designed by my mom, also a Halloween-lover.

First Halloween, 
3 mo., 3 wks.
Also shown with parents



1978, shown with parents




halloween 1981.jpg (70321 bytes)
halloween 1982.jpg (69518 bytes)


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