Ephemera Collection: Dolls
Welcome to my dolls collection page.
I didn't have too many dolls, as I preferred
stuffed animals as a child. Here
are photographs of most of my childhood dolls.
Click on each thumbnail for an enlarged view
of each item.
Me with my doll, "Shaggy Mae"
1st place winner of the Most Unusual Doll Contest
at Wonderland Mall, May 1977
Raggedy Andy doll.
I can't remember who made this doll for me, but I had it
since I was very young.
Knickerbocker Raggedy Andy doll.
Fisher Price lapsitter doll, Elizabeth, #205.
Copyright 1973.
This was one of my very first dolls. I am pictured
with her in November 1975.
Fisher Price lapsitter doll, Mary, #200. Copyright
Fisher Price lapsitter doll, Ann, #204. Copyright
I am not sure what happened to her clothes. If they
were removable, I would always take them off and re-dress them.
Life-sized Horsman doll, copyright 1974.
Effanbee doll, copyright 1971.
"Grandpa" from the Mattel Sunshine Fun Family Dolls.
Copyright 1975.
9 1/2" tall.
I don't think these are his original clothes.

"Steve", the dad, from the Mattel Sunshine Fun Family
Dolls. Copyright 1975.
9 1/2" tall.
These are not his original clothes---I think they
belonged to a Ken doll from the Barbie collection.
I know these have been around the house since the late
70's or early 80's. They might be Holly Hobby or something.
I don't remember where this came from, but I know I have
had it since the 80's.
This is my Cabbage Patch Kid. I think I got this in
1985 or '86.
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