Ephemera Collection:
Medications and Old-time Remedies
Welcome to my medications collection
page. Here you will find some very unique and interesting items, some
dating back to as early as 1906. I find it fascinating to see some of the
remedies that were common so long ago. Sorry, none of these items are
available for sale.
Click on each thumbnail for an enlarged view
of each item.
Doan's Pills for relief of Backache
2 1/2" tall
Contents removed
Date unknown
Carter's Little Liver Pills, a laxative aiding bile flow
2 1/4" tall
Complete contents
Date unknown
Carter's Little Liver Pills "Happy Days" booklet
5 3/4 X 3 1/2"
Date unknown
Parke-Davis Caffeine Citrated
2 5/8" tall
Half contents
Date unknown
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets
2 3/8" tall
Contents removed
Date unknown
Luden's Menthol cough Drops
4" long
Unopened, still in cellophane
Date unknown
Tums container with Tums
2 1/4" tall
Unopened package
Date unknown
Anusol Physician's Sample
1 5/8" long
Contains all 3 original suppositories
Date unknown
Ex-Lax tin
Contents removed
1 11/16" square
Date unknown
Warner's Renowned Simple Goiter Medicine
2 1/8" tall
Contains most of original product
Date unknown
Parke-Davis Medicated Throat Discs
3 3/8 X 2 3/4"
Contents removed
Date unknown, but must be before the
1970's since chloroform was outlawed in over-the-counter medications at that
I found this info in
a personal blog:
"The dime-size lozenges were neatly arranged in stacks of three. There were 90
lozenges in a box, as I recall. A new box was wrapped in plastic, and inside,
it had a little sheet of paper over the lozenges to keep them exactly in
place. As soon as the first lozenge was removed, the remaining lozenges could
slide around, and the perfect order inside the box was lost." This
person also said that the chloroform had a "zing" to it and that these discs
were quite effective for sore throats and coughs.
Dr. A.W. Chase's Nerve Pills
2" diameter
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